Chinese Pollution - Power Plants

Chinese Pollution - Power Plants

So What Now?

If we could change anything, it is the need for a sustainable method of reducing and recycling the waste produced by the Chinese. Yes the Chinese have tried to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce their waste but the methods are simple not sustainable and it will be no match to the increase of production each year. Have the Chinese not truly understand the effects of over consumption, the overuse of coal, and the desperate need for regulations to fix these problems? China ranks 94 out of 133 countries in the environmental performance index, yet is the most powerful country in the world. This stat shows the disconnect between their economy and the environment. 

It is extremely difficult to change the way you operate as a country overnight , which is the reason China should start implementing regulations slowly, that way the adaption process becomes smother and easier. These changes can occur if China were to allot more money towards environmental issues in their budget rather than focusing on existing money making industries. Whether they create a government mandated rule or give incentives to business who practice sustainable solutions or simple cut down industrial consumption overall, there are many options to becoming more eco-friendly as a country. The changes will be seen gradually by the population and outside countries, but will have a overall positive effect on its citizens and the way business operate. The main point: the people of China must overcome their infatuation with consumption and turn to a more sustainable lifestyle.