Chinese Pollution - Power Plants

Chinese Pollution - Power Plants

Dear China, Pace Yourself!!!

Matching the consumption model of the United States is not the equivalent of the American dream. There was a time in America when its people were at a lower economic status, and the pursuit of quick wealth with disregard for long-term planning has caused many issues for the country’s current state of affairs. At one point America was the industrial center of the world, but as new jobs and markets like banking, finance, and human thought capital proved to be more profitable revenue sources, industry in America disappeared. The infrastructure that was in use has fallen into disrepair and has led to environmental decay in heavy industrial areas.

As China’s economy is growing, wages are rising to offset the inflation to costs of living and because the lower classes require more money for their consumption habits. In 2006, wage rates rose 40%, an increase that has drastically reduced the margins for some of China’s largest manufacturing companies. ( The cheap labor source common in the 1990’s has matured, and the requirements for skilled workers are more defined now. Rising classes are quickly becoming a large economic and environmental issue for China.

America has passed this phase in growth and the effects can be seen in major cities around the country. Detroit was forced to cut back operations because of wage demands by employees in unions, while creating an inferior product to other world markets. These same conditions are a possibility in the Chinese market, and can be prevented by innovation and investing in the longevity of the industry through sustainable business practices. An American company based in China is building their manufacturing plants to require less electricity in production. These practices have lowered operational costs enough to cover the increases in wage rates. This is a method of sustainable growth that enhances the bottom lines of both the company and its employees.

Fact: People inherently want to increase their wealth and possessions. While this mindset will not change over time, there are ways to accomplish this without stealing from your country’s future bounty. America has grown to become a world power with the help of its natural capital. China has the ability to leverage its assets and create wealth in a way that does not disrupt the environment. Investments in pollution free energy and manufacturing infrastructure will help offset a growing population with increasing consumption patterns.

The U.S. versus China?

The United States aren't angels when it comes to sustainability, but when in comparison to China, we have far developed ourselves to become more proactive. 


China must understand that even though growth happens when there is economic opportunity, uncontrolled growth can lead to unintended consequences commonly called externalities.  It is not sustainable for a country to grow so rapidly and to have such a robust economy if the development results in polluted cities and villages and the destruction of the local ecosystem. Although America’s growth was very similar during its Industrial Revolution, China can learn from the example of the United States; rapid industrialization and economic growth do not necessarily have to be coupled with environmental destruction. Instead, China should be able to take a hybrid approach to growth: maintaining its environment by keeping its cities clean and countrysides free from environmental destruction while experiencing impressive economic gains. Simultaneous environmental protection and economic growth is possible and will ensure the long term prosperity of the Chinese people.

What China needs to do:
  • in need of an overall greener viewpoint on how to operate industries
  • green space is at an ever increasing premium in rural areas
  • follow models by other countries, even the U.S., for guidance with green urban living
  • simple solutions - green roofs, solar energy, recycling, better transportation, collecting rain water, etc. These simple solutions can improve the quality of life and overall health of the citizens and the country.

The Chinese consider their country to be the center of the world, the literal name for the country being 中国 Zhongguo (Middle Kingdom). Because their land is the center of their world and they believe it holds special powers and significance for their cultural heritage, there are lands that cannot be destroyed. Deep connection with the land is deeply ingrained in the culture and harnessing this mentality would only deepen a sense of sustainability.

So What Now?

If we could change anything, it is the need for a sustainable method of reducing and recycling the waste produced by the Chinese. Yes the Chinese have tried to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce their waste but the methods are simple not sustainable and it will be no match to the increase of production each year. Have the Chinese not truly understand the effects of over consumption, the overuse of coal, and the desperate need for regulations to fix these problems? China ranks 94 out of 133 countries in the environmental performance index, yet is the most powerful country in the world. This stat shows the disconnect between their economy and the environment. 

It is extremely difficult to change the way you operate as a country overnight , which is the reason China should start implementing regulations slowly, that way the adaption process becomes smother and easier. These changes can occur if China were to allot more money towards environmental issues in their budget rather than focusing on existing money making industries. Whether they create a government mandated rule or give incentives to business who practice sustainable solutions or simple cut down industrial consumption overall, there are many options to becoming more eco-friendly as a country. The changes will be seen gradually by the population and outside countries, but will have a overall positive effect on its citizens and the way business operate. The main point: the people of China must overcome their infatuation with consumption and turn to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Air Pollution in China